Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I believe that technology shapes the writing landscape. Dennis Baron states that “the computer is simply the latest step in a long line of writing technologies. In many ways its development parallels that of the pencil” (425). I do agree with him on this but I believe he overlooks the impact that technology has had on writing. Even the pencil changed the way people wrote. I believe that the computer has already changed literature. With the advent of blogs and other instances of personal media I don't see how Baron cant see that writing will change. Twitter is a great instance of this. Twitter is a very useful tool. People can use it many ways. Some people just put short messages about what their doing but others try to put short paragraphs. The key to twitter is that there is a character limit. This causes people to have to think about what there going to say and edit their work, which is unlike anything that has come before it.

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